Petcube Tracker

Petcube Tracker

Launching pet activity GPS tracker in the US

Digital Product Design Director



The Petcube Tracker is a GPS tracking device designed for pets, offering real-time location tracking, virtual fencing, and activity monitoring. I directed and supervised the product design of the app and marketing website.


Petcube, a Ukrainian company, pioneered the pet cam market, underwent an accelerator program in YC in 2016, and adopted key philosophies like ‘Make something people want’ and ‘Build a great product and the rest will follow’.

Amazon pet GPS tracker reviews count and average ratings.
Review count and average ratings of GPS pet trackers on Amazon in 2022.

In 2022, Petcube founders observed the pet tracker market on Amazon, the primary hardware marketplace, and identified a lack of highly-rated trackers.

Sketch drawing of Petcube Tracker Picture of Petcube Tracker from both sides
1. Alex Neskin, Petcube's co-founder and CTO, prototyping the tracker; 2. Tracker's sketch; 3. Tracker's visualization.

The significant number of reviews indicated a demand for GPS trackers. The absence of a 5-star product presented an opportunity for Petcube to deliver a high-quality GPS tracker. Thus, the project commenced.

Research and Wireframes

We aimed to incorporate modern tracker functionalities and learn from competitor mistakes by conducting a competitor analysis.

Figjam file with competitor analysis
Main competitors’ UI analysis file.

After evaluating competitor strengths and weaknesses, we aligned our ideas with the leadership vision.

Wireframes for every use case intended for version 1.

We developed wireframes based on our current concepts, iterating ideas to improve efficiency. Subsequently, we collaborated with the CTO, CPO, and engineering team to ensure alignment between software and hardware.

UI Design

Mockups of Petcube app showing the first version of UI for Petcube Tracker
First version of Petcube Tracker UI in the Petcube app.

Due to tight deadlines and detailed wireframes, I overlooked some crucial details, such as real-time and precise location display. We refined our understanding of feature importance based on user feedback.

Mockups of Petcube app showing the second version of UI for Petcube Tracker
Improved second version based on user feedback.

User testing revealed flaws, prompting UI enhancements. We optimized feature placement to better align with hardware capabilities, such as displaying the dog’s position. Initially, users expected exact positioning on the map, but we adjusted to indicate the dog’s general area to avoid confusion.

Additionally, we adjusted UI elements to better match user expectations. We also made activating ‘Lost Dog Mode’ less convenient to prevent rapid battery drainage, encouraging users to reserve it for emergencies.

Lost Dog Mode

Demonstration of Lost Dog Mode.

In case your pet goes missing, Lost Dog Mode enables real-time tracking via GPS technology, providing peace of mind and facilitating swift retrieval.

Activity History

Demonstration of Activity History.

Monitor your pet’s daily activities with the Activity History function, recording movements to track exercise levels, favorite spots, and overall behavior.

Moving Goal

Demonstration of Moving Goal feature.

Set daily exercise goals for your pet to track progress and encourage activity, ensuring a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle.

Virtual Fence

Create safe boundaries for your pet with the Virtual Fence feature, receiving instant alerts if your pet crosses them, enhancing safety and control.

Product Page

Marketing website screencast.

Simultaneously, we collaborated on the product page, brainstorming visual and copy ideas swiftly before the talented team translated them into production-ready assets.


Screenshot of Petcube Tracker page on Product Hunt
Tracker’s Product Hunt page.

Petcube Tracker launched on February 6, 2024. It earned ‘product of the day’ and has a 4 out of 5-star rating on Amazon, with room for improvement.


I extend my gratitude to Andriy Klen for entrusting me with this legendary Ukrainian product. Working with the exceptionally talented designer Oleh Smieltsov and having the opportunity to hire Denis Kachanovsky, a young and sharp talent, was truly enriching. I learned immensely from everyone involved in this project.

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